اطلب تقييم

Valuation of Machinery and Equipment

Valuation of Machinery and Equipment

Valuation of Machinery and Industrial Equipment

This combines experience and knowledge, and our knowledge and deep understanding of the contracting market, which is the main driver of the real estate and equipment market, has made us one of the leading companies in this industry.

We have the professional experience and technical knowledge to handle the most complex valuation processes. We are accredited by the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuators, and we have a license to practice the valuation of the machinery and equipment branch in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with license number: 43019 and hold a fellowship certificate.

Furthermore, we perform valuations of all types of equipment and machinery, including
Construction equipment and machinery, demolition and construction equipment
Production lines.
Packaging machines
Equipment for recycling, hygiene, and environmental preservation
Food and dairy production equipment.
Handling and storage equipment.
Medical devices and healthcare equipment.
Iron and steel equipment and furnaces.
Light industry and workshop equipment.
Maintenance centers.

The report should also include other elements, including:

  • Date and duration of the inspection
  • Location of machines and equipment
  • A complete description of the machines
  • Photographs taken of machines and equipment

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